Thursday, 12 March 2015

5 Beauty Trends We Always See on the Runway but Never in Real Life

In real life, we obsess about getting our liner perfectly flush with the lash line. On the runway, we often see liner that's drawn everywhere but—using pigment laid on as thick and black as a Sharpie marker. This graphic doe eye from the Rochas show is undeniably a work of art, but coloring outside the lines isn't a concept we're tempted to try on our own eyes any time soon.
2. Crimped hair
It's obvious why Fashion Week hairstylists love to fire up their crimpers—all that texture and volume makes for an amazing runway visual, as we saw on these models at the Vanessa Seward show. And we do occasionally get tempted to bring crimps back; I love this new crimped ponytail how-to from Kristin Ess, Lauren Conrad's hairstylist. Somehow, though, this beauty trend never manages to reclaim the mainstream status it held in the '80s. Hey, our hair's healthier for it.
3. Black lipstick
While plenty of women we know can pull off a vampy bordeaux or purple, true-black lips are never going to do anyone's complexion any favors. That's why the only place we routinely spot them is on runway models (seen here outside the Ungaro show), whose washed-out pallor reminds us why we've only indulged our black-lipstick curiosity on Halloween.
4. Greased-up and/or soaking-wet hair
While we diligently wash and blow-dry our hair to avoid looking greasy and tangled,
Fashion Week hairstylists spend hours making models look like they either haven't showered in weeks or literally just stepped out and have not gotten to comb their hair yet (see: the above Just Cavalli model). This is one runway staple that still makes me cringe; greasy stuck-to-the-skin hair just has no appeal or artistic merit I can think of. And how does all that crunchy product do anything positive for the clothes? Someone enlighten me?
5. Super-clumpy mascara
Those crusty, clumped-together tarantula lashes you dread accidentally creating? They're perennially hot on the runway. Here's just one recent incarnation of the clumped-up lash, seen at Costume National. Maybe the clumpy concept will grow on us and we can all shelve our lash combs; anything's possible, right?

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