Thursday, 16 October 2014

MILLION DOLLAR LISTING LA: Josh Altman Admits, ‘All My Fault’ Wedding’s Off

It’s official, Heather Bilyeu and Josh Altman have stopped planning a wedding on MILLION DOLLAR LISTING LOS ANGELES.
The last straw was another “Oops” moment by Altman. He forgot about the couple’s plans to meet with a florist. He was posing for a photo by brother Matt as he tried on his wedding tux.
Heather hung up on him, which according to Josh Altman, was a rare occurrence. He knew he was in deep trouble and became a bit unglued, which was unfortunate timing because he and Matt were scooting off to a prestigious property for a listing appointment at the prestigious Chandler mansion.
Until he got home that evening and the pair made their decision to halt all wedding plans, Josh Altman was trying to keep it in perspective, but fumbled his way through the appointment relying on Matt to carry the ball.
“The call with Heather really rattled me and I’m a mess,” he said. It’s just a flower appointment.” We all know that sometimes a flower appointment isn’t just a flower appointment.
A man like Josh Altman is used to getting what he wants by working hard to make it so, moving mountains, cajoling, finding a way and outlasting the competition. He stopped doing that with Heather and to his credit he admitted it in some of the most awkward scenes ever on MILLION DOLLAR LISTING LA.
“We had a long conversation last night and the wedding’s off. This is all my fault,” he told Matt on the day after the final decision was made.
“From the beginning she wanted a small wedding and I kept inviting people. I wasn’t even paying attention. I’m definitely scared. I don’t know if it’s something I can salvage. I don’t know where to go from here.”
When Matt asked, “You guys still love each other, right?” A beleaguered Altman said, “I don’t know.”
It looks like that’s the easiest question to answer. Yes, they do. For those that loathe Altman’s persona on the show, you may enjoy the fact that the dreaded couple’s counseling sessions are in his future.
He resisted the suggestion and unless brother Matt had encouraged it, who knows if he would have agreed or even thought the process was worthwhile.

MILLION DOLLAR LISTING LA has seen it’s share of personal sorrow, and there is more to come as Edith Flagg’s illness progresses throughout the season, but for right now, the golden couple is struggling to survive.

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